How is a braai different from a barbecue?

The main difference between a braai and a barbecue has to be the fire. A braai simply isn't considered a braai if it's cooked on a gas grill. The fire also stays on during the braai, even after the food has been cooked. Guests will gather around the fire after eating and spend the rest of the day or night there.

In a nutshell, a braai is the South African equivalent of an American barbecue. A common (and very common) practice in any South African household, braai is a fundamental part of South African culture and consists of a gathering of friends and family around a wood grill to celebrate. South African barbecue, also known as Braai, has no equivalent in the world. The word “braai” comes from the Dutch word “braden”, which means to grill or barbecue.

This occurred when South Africa was a former Dutch colony and, over the years, “braden” was transformed into Afrikaans “braai”. Even so, don't think that braai is only found in South Africa. This delicious barbecue technique is also found in other African countries such as Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Lesotho. In many cases, families organize a smaller braai once a week (including a breakfast braai) and a larger braai on special occasions.

There are some fresh, new Braai food ideas if you're looking for something different at your next Taste Mag meeting. It fits perfectly into designated indoor braai areas, and braai masters generally have more than one grill to cook multiple dishes. So let's take a look at the essentials of traditional braai and take the first step toward becoming a braai master. Braai can also be used to refer to a long social gathering with a braai that takes place in the background.

Nelson Hillered
Nelson Hillered

General bacon practitioner. Award-winning tv expert. Hipster-friendly introvert. Evil twitter guru. Infuriatingly humble twitter trailblazer. Typical pop culture trailblazer.